Linggo, Oktubre 7, 2012

 The Byzantine Empire are also unique, for this empire are also joined cultures of ancient civilizations. When the barbarians fight the Europians, the Byzantine empire are the one who holds the knowledge of ancient Greece and Roman. Their knowledge that they have, they spread it in the Western Asia that help the Renaissance developed. In the churches and houses, it is where the icon or paintings of the saints see. That painting characterized as peace and holiness and also mosaic developed here.  This empire also, have big contribution when we talk about Christianism. The Slav and Balkans are also influenced by Christianism that lead it to spread to the Russia.  St. Methodius and St. Cyril developed an alphabet so that Slavs will know how to read a bible. This alphabet known as Cyrillic.

Under the Roman Empire, the Greek-Roman civilization developed. This civilization is the joined knowledge of Greek , who is known for it’s knowledge in arts, philosophy and science, and the Romans who is also known for their knowledge in making laws and infrastractures. In the infrastractures, Greeks and Romans built an ampitheater which is the Colosseum. Some of the temples are also built ,where they worship their Gods example of it is the Pantheon at Capitollium. In the panitikan, Romans really inspired by the creations of Greeks. The epic Aenid of Virgil that was all about how the Rome built. Greek-Roman civilization are also known for their arts, the laws that they created, and their religions.



papyrus scrolls

      The Hellenistic civilization adopt some of the cultures of Greeks. The joined cultures of Egyptian, Persians and Indian results to the Hellenistic Civilization that was started when Alexander died. The city of Alexandria is very known for their library. It is known for it’s half a million papyrus scrolls that it is all about the the ancient civilizations story. Some people in the Alexandria is also known for it’s some contributions in this civilization. In the field of astronomy, it is Erastosthenes who measured the exact circumference of the world. In the field of mathematics, the Euclid’s contribution is the knowledge of geometry. And Hippocrates, known on the field of medicine wrote Corpus Hippocraticum.

watawat ng Greece

estatwa ni Athena sa Parthenon

estatwa ni Zeus sa Olympia
 The Greece civilization are known for their fields of  science, art, religion, and philosophy. The greeks are really known for their sculptures example of this is the statue of Athena inside the Parthenon and the statue of Zeus in the temple of Olympia that Phidias created. Phidias is really known as the best sculpture in ancient Greece. They are so many contributions that the Greece really contribute. 


Mapa ng Western Asia

Western Asia civilization also spread here. The Hittites here contributed the use of iron and the Phoenicians developed the alphabet based on phonetics with every letter a corresponding sound.  

On the other hand, America has one of the great contributions to the history that we still use today. It is the based culture and civilization that they developed and the other countries adopt. Example of this is that in the field of architecture , the Mayans build pyramids as were they worship their gods. Their livelihood is planting some vegetables in the mountains were they made it as terraces. And they developed chuno as their way of preserving foods. 

Even the Indus have known the design of their cities better known as grid system. They also practice the caste system. And in the field of literature, two great epics came from India. This is the Ramayana and Mahabharata knowing that we are still using it as two key epics of the world. There are also three philisophy developed in China in it’s long history. This is the Confucianism, Taoism and Legalism with large contributions because until now there are still people using these philosophy.


Our different culture and different lifestyle have come from the different contribution from the past to the present. In the field of transportation, they created the wheel, sail and developed the farming. In the realm of mathematics, the Sumerian created numerical system called the sexagismal system. In the architecture, bricks are also developed. Then came the civilization of Mesopotamia and Egypt. The Mesopotamia was focused in the farming and livelihood of the people. Beyond the basic needs of Egyptians, they’ve written number system. They also created a calendar based on the star Sirius which takes 365 days and is divided by 12 months.